dilluns, 14 de febrer del 2011

dilluns, 31 de gener del 2011

Let's talk about music

Adjectives to describe music:

Loud, good, bad, quiet, irritating, inspiring, dark, moody, wild (salvatge), silly, boring, interesting, repetitive, cool, new, Dynamic, Aggressive, Attentive, Elegant, Energetic, Trendy, Passive, Pleasant, old-fashioned, great, brilliant, fun, awful, terrible, interesting

Do you like this song?
Yes, I do because ....
No, I don’t because...
What dou you think about this music?

I think it’s...
In my opinion...
I prefer listening to...
I love it (m’encanta)
I don’t like it at all ( no m’agrada gens)

It’s too... (és massa...)
It’s not enough... ( no és suficientment/ no és prou...)

divendres, 7 de gener del 2011

Let's cook!

Related to task 2. Have a look at this video to begin to get ideas
Jemie Oliver

Here you have some vocabulary:

Bake - To cook in an oven.
Barbecue - To cook on a grill over a charcoal or seasoned wood fire usually with a tomato based sauce. Customarily outside.
Beat - Combine vigorously with the intent to force air into the mixture.
Blanch - Cook or dip quickly into very hot water to remove external material.
Blend - Mix together gently until the consistency is the same throughout.
Boil - Cook in hot water.
Braise - Cook over an open flame with the flame touching the food.
Bread - To dip or roll food in a liquid and then breadcrumbs until covered.
Brew - Verb used to describe the process of making a potable flavored mixture. (tea, beer)
Broil - To cook with the heat source above the food.
Brown- Cook only until there is a light brown color.
Chop - Cut into small pieces.
Combine - Mix together. (Usually used with dry ingredients)
Cube or dice - Cut into small squares.
Cut in - Mix together gently with the edge of the mixing tool.
Deep-fry - With enough oil to cover the food.
Fold in - Mix together gently with the flat of the mixing tool.
Form - Mold into a certain shape.
Fry - Cook in hot oil.
Grate - To use a grater to shred food. (Usually vegetables or cheese)
Knead - Work dough with the hands, constantly folding.
Marinade - The liquid used to marinate. Q.v.
Marinate - Soak (especially meat) in a spiced liquid. Usually but not always overnight.
Mince - Chop into small pieces. Smaller than cubed. Q.v.
Pan fry - With just enough oil to keep the food from sticking.
Pare - To remove the peel.
Pureé - Reduce to a watery consistency.
Roast - Cook in a covered pot either on the stove or in the oven.
Sauté - Cook in a small amount of oil until browned.
Scald - To pour hot water over something or dip it in the water.
Sear - To drop food (usually meat) in a very hot pan to seal in juices.
Separate (eggs) - Remove the egg yolk from the albumen.
Simmer - Cook over a low flame.
Steep - To let sit in hot water. (For example tea)
Stew - A very thick soup with a flour base.
Toast - Lightly brown.
Toss - To gently mix a salad.
Whip - Beat rapidly to force air into a mixture.
Whip up (something) - Informal term for preparing a quick meal.